Technical Education Essay

Updated at Jan 26, 2024 | by Admin

importance of technical education

This article contains technical education essay, importance of technical education and how technology has impacted the lives of human beings. Students of class 1st year, 2nd year, BA, BSC, FSC and DAE can write this essay as it is in their exams or any other assessment.

Table of Contents
  1. What is Technical Education
  2. How Technology has Improved our Lives
  3. Importance of Technical Education
  4. Conclusion

What is Technical Education

Technical education is a type of education which focuses more on acquiring skills by practical implementation of knowledge rather than just understanding the concepts theoretically.

“The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.” – Herbert Spencer

How Technology has Improved our Lives

The world is changing rapidly day after day, it would not be wrong to say that the primary reason of it is technology and it's advancement. Every other day, we here about a new technology or the advancement of an existing technology.

The primary purpose of all the technologies is to make the life of human beings easy and better than before. Including medical technology, transportation technology, information technology and telecom technology etc, all strive for the betterment of life.

Medical Technology

Inventions in medical technology made it so easy to diagnose the diseases quickly and get to the actual reason of those diseases.

technology in medical field
Transportation Technology

Inventions in transportation technology and it's advancements made it possible to travel miles of distance in a very short time. Before these inventions, people had to travel for days or months to get to their destination but now it takes only a few hours to get to that same destination.

technology in transport field
Telecom Technology

The world has become a global village, people can see and talk to each other whenever they want even by staying on different geographical locations, this is because of telecom technology.

technology in telecom field

Importance of Technical Education

In the modern world, we are surrounded by technologies and we depend a lot on them. We should realize the importance of technology as well as the importance of technical education. Government should promote technical education because it has the power to dramatically change the life of individuals and the economy of the country as well in a positive way.

“Tech gives the quietest student a voice.” – Jerry Blumengarten

The institutions which are already offering technical education must be facilitated by the Government, they should also be provided by experts, who can guide the teachers a proper way of carrying the students from beginner to expert level. In this way, students will get a proper roadmap right from the start. Other institutions which do not offer technical education, should also be encouraged to start offering technical education.

“The goal of education is understanding, the goal of training is performance.” - Frank Bell

As we depend on technologies, we must have proper knowledge to deal with them. If we do not know the core principles of a technology, we would not be able to improve it or develop something else that can be even more helpful than the existing one, this is why technical education is very important.

Need for Serious Planning in Technical Education in Pakistan

Pakistan has more than 64% of its population below the age of 30, this is the biggest asset Pakistan has right now. If the Government of Pakistan channelizes the youth and help them acquire quality technical education, they can put a huge impact on the economy of Pakistan.

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the mind to think.” - Albert Einstein

Because Pakistan depends a lot on imports and there are barely handful products that we produce, the biggest reason of it is we are lagging behind in adopting and learning new technologies. If we produce technically sound persons, they will definitely boost the production whenever they will enter an industry. Increase in production is the first step to stability of an economy.

"Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before—if we will allow it" - Jenny Arledge

By producing more, we will not only fulfill our needs but we can also start exporting those products, this can be the strongest weapon against inflation. Right now, inflation in Pakistan is the biggest problem that we are facing. Imported products are always expensive than domestic products.


As today's world is completely based on technology and it has improved every aspect of life, technical education has become a primary need of the society. Behind every luxury of life that we enjoy today, is a technology. To keep growing and discovering new wonders, we must promote technical education.